These were pedestrians who were walking in line with the motorcycle toward the intersection, probably saw everything clearly from the side that Fagan departed the Bike from. Skateboarders? Did they make other comments. Why the comment "Yea I know what time it is". The universal kid slang for something is not kosher here
Pitti: "Accident started several blocks back" noticing Truck driving patterns
Site Keys: Fagan, Dickenson, Klimper, Dickenson, Q Todd Dickenson, Allegheny College, Lucy A James Investigations, Patent, USPTO, Patent Office, Robert E Fagan, United States Patent, Howrey Simon Arnold and White, Robert Fagan, Dickinson, Larry Klimper, Dickenson, Robert Pitti, Rose Longoria, Howrey Simon Arnold and White, Robert Milne , Robert Emmet Fagan, Scotty Hamilton, Larry James Klimper, Lucy A James Investigations, American Bar Association and its Intellectual Property Law Section. World Intellectual Property Organization, Howrey Simon Arnold and White Howrey Simon Arnold and White, Robert Fagan, Q Todd, Klimper, Milne, Robert Fagan Quentin Todd Dickinson, Larry James Klimper, Robert Fagan, Dickenson, Dickenson, Q Todd Dickenson, Allegheny College, Lucy A James Investigations, Patent, USPTO, Patent Office, United States Patent, Howrey Simon Arnold and White, Robert Fagan, Director Dickinson, Larry Klimper, Dickenson, Robert Pitti, Rose Longoria, Howrey Simon Arnold and White, Robert Milne , Robert Emmet Fagan, Scotty Hamilton, Larry James Klimper, Lucy A James Investigations, American Bar Association and its Intellectual Property Law Section. World Intellectual Property Organization, Howrey Simon Arnold and White Howrey Simon Arnold and White, Robert Fagan, Q Todd, Klimper, Milne, Quentin Todd Dickinson, Klimper, Robert Fagan, Dickenson, Larry James Klimper, Dickenson, Q. Todd Dickenson, Chevron Corporation in San Francisco, Larry James Klimper, Allegheny College, Lucy A James Investigations, Patent, USPTO, Patent Office, Robert E Fagan, United States Patent, Howrey Simon Arnold and White, Robert Fagan, Director Dickinson, Larry Klimper, Dickinson, Robert Pitti, Rose Longoria, Howrey Simon Arnold and White, Robert Milne , Robert Emmet Fagan, Scotty Hamilton, Larry James Klimper, Lucy A James Investigations, American Bar Association and its Intellectual Property Law Section. World Intellectual Property Organization, Howrey Simon Arnold and White
General Electric USPTO Chevron Corp